Find your balance in the isolation of the Škrabec Homestead.
The tranquillity of the peaceful village, the proximity of endless fields and untouched forests, the soothing nature of peaceful everyday life – taste the Zen at the Škrabec Homestead, which you can also deepen with meditation and yoga in the garden of the Boštjan house.
Enjoy recreation in fresh air
Daily exercise performed in fresh air reduces stress, improves mood, sharpens memory, helps you concentrate, maintains physical fitness, strengthens the immune system and makes you happier. The peaceful surroundings of the village of Hrovača offer many opportunities for walking or running.
Photo: Matevž Petrovič
Sleep is vital to the psychophysical health of every human being. During sleep, our body is engaged in recovery processes. But only a good quality sleep and a sufficient amount of sleep have a positive impact on all aspects of our life. At the Škrabec Homestead you will certainly be able to enjoy it.